
We got to be prepared

Today we went to a hospital emergency room to see John O'Callaghan. He felt a terrible chest pain when he and Dixie wanted to go to church this morning around 10:00AM. And Dixie soon decided to send him to ER for a diagnosis.

Thanks God. He felt better now and the doctor said he is not in a heart attact.

Dixie said to me when we had a chance to talk about this situation.
She said we may not know what will happen in a day but we need to be prepared.

What a great saying. It is absoultely right.
When things come up and they just happen so fast, we don't even know what it is going on. But we have to prepare and get ready for anything unusual.

The hardest part is "to prepare". How are we people to prepare for anything that is going to happen? Well, put faith in Jesus and trust in God and pray.

Psalm: 37:5
Commit your future to the Lord! Trust in him, and he will act on your behalf.


American Figure -- The Kennedy Family

今天 (8/29/2009) 是 Ted Kennedy (1932-2009.8.25, 77歲, 照片中最右側.) 追思會(葬禮), 三大電視網全程轉播.
美國現任及前幾任的總統們都在座全程參與, 其中有一段是Jr. Ted Kennedy (他的兒子) 的追悼詞講的非常好.
post 在這裡:
Ted Kennedy Jr. remembers his father
When I was 12 years old I was diagnosed with bone cancer and a few months after I lost my leg, there was a heavy snowfall over my childhood home outside of Washington D.C. My father went to the garage to get the old Flexible Flyer and asked me if I wanted to go sledding down the steep driveway. And I was trying to get used to my new artificial leg and the hill was covered with ice and snow and it wasn't easy for me to walk. And the hill was very slick and as I struggled to walk, I slipped and I fell on the ice and I started to cry and I said "I can't do this." I said, "I'll never be able to climb that hill." And he lifted me in his strong, gentle arms and said something I'll never forget. He said "I know you'll do it, there is nothing you can't do. We're going to climb that hill together, even if it takes us all day."

"Sure enough, he held me around my waist and we slowly made it to the top, and, you know, at age 12 losing a leg pretty much seems like the end of the world, but as I climbed onto his back and we flew down the hill that day I knew he was right. I knew I was going to be OK. You see, my father taught me that even our most profound losses are survivable and it is what we do with that loss, our ability to transform it into a positive event, that is one of my father's greatest lessons. He taught me that nothing is impossible.

During the summer months when I was growing up, my father would arrive late in the afternoon from Washington on Fridays and as soon as he got to Cape Cod, he would want to go straight out and practice sailing maneuvers . . . in anticipation of that weekend's races.

And we'd be out late, and the sun would be setting, and family dinner would be getting cold, and we still be out there practicing our jibes and spinnaker sets long after everyone else had gone ashore. Well one night, not another boat in sight on the summer sea, I asked him, "Why are we always the last ones on the water?" Teddy, he said, "Well, you see, most of the other sailors we race against are smarter and more talented than we are. But the reason why we are going to win is that we are going to work harder than them and we will be better prepared."

要知道未來怎麼做, 最好先要了解過去.
He believed that in order to know what to do in the future, you had to understand the past.

I once told him that he accidentally left some money, I remember this when I was a little kid, on the sink in our hotel room. And he replied "Teddy, let me tell you something. Making beds all day is back breaking work. The woman who has to clean up after us today has a family to feed."

"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die."

Ref: Kennedy Family
So called the Kennedy curse:
the John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 U.S. 35th presdient, assassination
the Robert F. Kennedy (1925-1968) assassination on his presidiential campaign.
four aircraft crashes (Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Kathleen Kennedy, Edward "Ted" M. Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, Jr.)
a fatal skiing accident (Michael LeMoyne Kennedy)
a fatal drug overdose (David Anthony Kennedy)
a failed prefrontal lobotomy on Rose Marie Kennedy, carried out in the hope of calming the young woman's violent outbursts but resulting in more severe mental retardation

Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong

John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.
不 是 你 們 揀 選 了 我 , 是 我 揀 選 了 你 們 , 並 且 分 派 你 們 去 結 果 子 , 叫 你 們 的 果 子 常 存 , 使 你 們 奉 我 的 名 , 無 論 向 父 求 甚 麼 , 他 就 賜 給 你 們 。
對於一心向佛的人, 是不是他們沒有被神撿選?
就如上一篇所說的, 神蹟就已經再明顯不過了. (羅馬1:19-20). 但人還是選擇違背神意. 就像舊約的以色列人一樣.


Revelation 22:11
"Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile comtinue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy."
不 義 的 , 叫 他 仍 舊 不 義 ; 污 穢 的 , 叫 他 仍 舊 污 穢 ; 為 義 的 , 叫 他 仍 舊 為 義 ; 聖 潔 的 , 叫 他 仍 舊 聖 潔 。



參觀過秦始皇陵兵馬俑的人總是會驚嘆它的規模之大, 兵馬俑之多, 以及他們的表情面目之多樣, 好像沒有重複的臉孔. 認為是世界上偉大的奇蹟之一.

看到奇蹟以為是奇蹟, 但是真正的奇蹟每天在我們身上, 我們卻視若無睹. 世界上那麼多人, 不是每個人都長的不一樣嗎? 我們的指紋, 眼睛的網膜, 我們的聲音不是識別標誌嗎? 沒有一個人有相同的識別標誌, 就跟身分證號碼, 產品條碼一樣, 都是獨一無二的.

誰創造了這一切, 誰能有如此豐富的想像力, 創造每一個人獨一無二的臉孔, 聲音, 指紋呢? 這不是奇蹟是什麼. 但是平常人就是看不見? 看見了也不覺得奇怪, 要跑到死人墳墓去看奇蹟!




A good story

A christian family went to Mid East countries for their missionary trip.
They live in a place where is surronding by Muslim. They did all they could do to help their community and preach gospel. They made some friends there and the muslim friend thought they are such a nice people and did all the good deeds that Qur'an tought them to do. So, the muslim friend told them
"Hey, you are such a good people and you did all the good deeds, you should become a Muslim and Allah will bless you go to heaven."
(Muslim believe that Allah will judge people to go to heaven by their good deeds.)
And then the Christian tells the muslim friend:
Ohh, No. You should become a Christian to go to heaven because you are not as good as you think you are.

This story is a real story from the witness I heard today in my church.
We were all laugh when she said that.

我們都認為自己是好人, 做好事. 應該上天堂. 實際上我們真的不如自己想像的那麼好. 可惜的是, 人們通常不這麼認為.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast.
你們得救是本乎神的恩典、因為對神的信仰、這並不是出於自己、乃是神所賜的禮物. 也不是因為我們做了什麼好事、免得有人自誇。

沒有人不認同做好事, 行善是應該的. 有些人是刻意的去做, 有些人是職業上的要求(例如, 醫生, 救生員), 有些人是出自內心, 毫無私心, 全心全意的做.

接著上面的章節, 在 Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
因為我們人是上帝創造的傑作. 在(藉著)耶穌基督裡面衪已經製造了一個全新的我們, 因此我們可以行善做好事, 而這些是衪老早就為我們準備好的了.

結論就是行善是對的, 但是不會讓我們得救, 我們得救是來自上帝的恩典、因為對上帝的信仰. ---- it is the gift of God -- not by works ---



老子說 『人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然』。可惜老子並未說自然是怎麼來的. 但是他在《道德經》第四十二章「道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物」,老子知道在萬物出來之前, 有一個道, 然後有了第一個, 之後才有二, 三...
In the begining God created the heavens and the earth.
1 在最初的時候, 上帝創造了天和地.
在約翰福音第一章一, 二節也說
1 太初有道、道與神同在、道就是神。
2 這道太初與神同在。

我們都知道吃果子要拜樹頭, 喝泉水當思源頭. 我們也很感謝父母生我們養我們.
反而創造天地萬物的神我們不感謝, 不敬拜!

在馬太福音 22:37-38
Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.
全心全意的愛上帝. 這是第一條也是最大的戒律.

這就是答案, 如果我們知道了最原始的出處, 知道了為何來的 (why), 剩下的問題就是如何做了 (how).

老子, 「道德經」

PS: 「道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物」 : 原來多層次行銷是老子發明的.



大部份美國人吃魚是不吃頭也不吃尾巴的. 在"美國的超商"(不是其他族裔的店)買魚, 就是一塊處理好的魚肉, 叫做魚排. 通常不帶魚翅的. 你如果問他們不吃魚頭及魚尾, 他們就聳聳肩說, This is the way it is. 他本來就是這樣啊. 這有什麼好問的.

有一個小女孩看她媽媽在為了晚餐準備一條魚. 她把魚的頭跟尾切掉然後放到烤盤裡. 那小女孩就好奇地問她媽媽為什麼要把魚的頭尾切掉? 她媽媽想了一會兒說: 我每次都是這樣做的. 我媽也是這樣做的.
那小女孩不滿意這個答案, 就又跑去問她的外婆, 為什麼每次吃魚要把頭尾切掉. 女孩的外婆想了一會說: 我不知道, 我媽每次都是這樣做的.
接下來小女孩與外婆又一起去找曾祖母, 希望能找到答案. 曾祖母想了一會說: 因為我們那時候窮, 烤盤比較小, 沒辦法把整條魚放進去. 所以....

另外一則網路故事, 一個猴子的實驗, 或許更具有說服力:
把五隻猴子關在一個籠子裡,籠子上頭有一串香蕉。實驗人員裝了一個自動灑水裝置,若是偵測到有猴子要去拿香蕉, 馬上就會有水噴向籠子,這五隻猴子馬上會被淋濕。首先有隻猴子想去拿香蕉,馬上水噴出來。每隻猴子都淋濕了,每隻猴子都去嘗試了,發現都是如此。於是猴子們達到一個共識:不要去拿香蕉! 因為有水會噴出來!
後來實驗人員把其中的一隻猴子換掉,換一隻新猴子(稱為A猴子好了)關到籠子裡。這隻A猴子看到香蕉,馬上想要去拿,結果被其他四隻舊猴子海K了一頓。因為其他四隻猴子認為新猴子會害他們被水淋到,所以制止這新猴子去拿香蕉。這新猴子嘗試了幾次,被打的滿頭包,還是沒有拿到香蕉,當然這五隻猴子就沒有被水噴到。 後來實驗人員再把一隻舊猴子換掉,換另外一隻新猴子(稱為B猴子好了)關到籠子裡,這隻B猴子看到香蕉,當然也是馬上要去拿,結果也是被其他四隻猴子K了一頓。
那隻A猴子打的特別用力 ,(老兵欺負新兵!)B猴子試了幾次總是被打的很慘,只好作罷~後來慢慢的一隻一隻的,所有的舊猴子都換成新猴子了。大家都不敢去動那香蕉,但是他們都不知道為什麼, 只知道去動香蕉會被人扁。

當我們早就習慣了我們的風俗習慣, The way it is, 本來就是這樣, 大家都這麼做.
我們不自覺的被自己的傳統價值給限制住了. 通常我們很少問為什麼這麼做?
看到別人都去拜神像, 所以我們也拜. 看到別人拿香拜, 我們也跟著. 看到別人燒紙錢, 我們燒的比別人還多. 這種例子在我們生活中捬拾皆是. 先不問對或錯, 但至少我們要知道為什麼要這樣做, 它是怎麼來的.

The fish baking story


This is the hell

A shocked news:
Drug Addiction, And Misery, Increase In Afghanistan
by Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson April 16, 2009

聯合國四月份調查報告顯示12個阿富汗人有一個濫用藥物(毒品), 比四年前的數字多了一倍. 有很多上癮者是婦女, 甚至整個家庭.
--- 婦女利用鴉片來使小孩不再吵鬧, 以及解決飢餓的痛苦.
"On a recent afternoon, Karima draws the curtains shut on the window of the room she shares with her six children. "
""When I smoke this, I don't experience any unhappiness. My nerves calm down. If I don't do this I go crazy," Karima says. "


這個報導看來似曾相識, 活像是清朝未年的翻版. 政府必須要承擔絕大部份的責任.
很難想像歷史是會重複上演在不同的國家. 即使我們活在高科技的時代也一樣.


Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die

As a believer, we all know we have been saved by Jesus Christ who had paid our sins once for all by his crucifixion. Therefore, we have eternal life.

And this is the testimony, God has given us ethernal life and this life is in his son. He who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son of God does not have life. --- 1 John 5:11~12.

That means we will go to heaven and have the ethernal life. And the scriptures also tell us the world is cursed (Gen 3:17) and do not love the world.

Do Not Love This World
Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. There are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what please God will live forever. -- 1 John 2:15~17

Now, we know we will be in the heaven where is a perfect place for us and we also know the world is full of sins. Then why we don't go to heaven right away?

Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." --- Matthew 28: 18~20

The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some poeple think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. --- 2 Peter 3:9 (God doesn't want us to die.)

Here we go. God already has the purpose on each of us to preach the gospel. We, as a human being, must to fulfil the purpose and then go to heaven.


非洲賣鞋 vs. 中東賣髮飾

很久之前, 有兩位商人到非洲考察. 看到非洲人都光赤腳. 其中一個商人就想到賣鞋子給他們一定是一個很大的市場. 另一個卻想說原來非洲人不穿鞋, 所以鞋子是一個沒有市場的商品.

下面的新聞, 主角是一位中國失業工人, 叫做孫曉平,果然把鞋子在非洲賣成功了. 真是另人振奮的消息.
Ref: 失業工人 成塞內加爾拖鞋王

這讓我想到在中東有些回教國家, 有些生意應該蠻有意思的, 例如女人的髮型設計師或相關的女人頭上裝飾品生意.
下圖為模登穆斯林的hijab (Location: Kuwait)